Morrowind will throw up a loading bar between cells on occasion. I think most of my FPS slowdown was bumping up the draw distance though. How ancient? I tried distant land a couple years ago and it hitched a lot moving between micro zones.

LizTail is the one currently maintaining MGE. Incidentally, I believe the above mentioned Mr. OK, friendly isn’t the word… But it’s the least performance-unfriendly way to get shader effects in the game. MGE is the only performance-friendly way to get shader effects in the gamer. Meaning: you almost certainly need MGE for the extended scripting functionality, if you want to run MWSE-dependent mods made within the last year or two. MWSE is integrated into MGE, and the integrated version is usually quite a bit ahead of the stand-alone builds. Assuming you use a not-ancient version of MGE, the performance impact will be imperceptible even of fairly ancient hardware. And distant land is rather silly in morrowind.Ĥ-7 cells of Distant Land makes Morrowind look like it should have, but couldn’t for performance reasons. I looked at MGE, but with the exception of distant land I didn’t see any difference. His animation manager thingy is all kinds of awesome. You should probably also have a good look at his other mods if you haven’t already. LizTail’s New Beast Bodies is what you’re looking for. Sadly, I was too lazy to find the other beast collection version, so cat dick it is. You don't need to complete the tutorial, just give Jiub your name and quit out.Awesome, I can make the minimap actually useful. Bloodmoon Patch Start the game and make sure that it runs. Install the official expansions and their patches in this order: 1. Programs Files is a bad directory for most older games, particularly on newer versions of Windows.ī. Any deviation will likely result in a less stable game.Ī.Start by installing Morrowind to a directory that is NOT in Program Files. This is probably the most important step, so you're going to want to follow my instructions closely. This is an evolving guide: I will make changes as better options become available. Several such guides already exist and while I have found all of them to be useful, none of them really stay as "cutting edge" as I would prefer. This is a step-by-step guide on how to get your copy of Morrowind looking and running the best that it can. This has been a long time in coming, but I've finally decided to get off my ass and set this up for the people who have been asking me about this shit. This page is not maintained by the guide's author and is therefore horribly out of date.